It took two months of grueling midnight sessions, literally training from 12-4am most nights to start to feeling like my old self. I went to the Nor'Easter, and despite some stupid mistakes, it was still the least I'd ever punted at a major comp. Since then I've kept training and had a couple great trips to Bishop, finally dispatching climbs I'd been looking at for years, but I seem now to have run into a whole new set of problems. It turns out, that as you train, your body builds up certain tolerances, but if you take a long enough break, you need to be extremely careful to avoid injury. I wasn't. I flung myself into it full bore. System walls, finger boarding, rings, one arms, everything I could think of to make me stronger. Things I used to put myself through on a daily basis, but that have now left me with bicep tendonitis in both arms, minor rotator cuff injuries in both arms, acute medial epicondylitis in my left arm, two tweaked middle fingers and a bruised heel from a minor highball mishap. I've been trying to rehab most of these for months, and I know that I should probably just rest, but after 7 months of virtually no climbing, I can't bear to bail on the winter season. The alternative however isn't looking so good either. Two weeks ago I had the best trip of my life, climbing two V14s, one of which was an FA, as well as numerous other lines on my lifetime ticklist, but I haven't been able to push myself since I got back, and now I feel terrible again. I tried climbing on my system wall a couple nights ago and it went baaaad. Largely getting shut down on the warm ups, things I'd done in the past with as much as 30lbs added.

So, I've come up with this compromise for myself. I'm headed up to Bishop again tomorrow with my friend Greg Horvath, an up and coming San Diego climber who has never before been to the mecca that is the Buttermilks. I hope to show him all the awesome lines I can, and to resist trying anything too hard myself, a bit of active rest if you will. At least I get to do it in a beautiful place. After I get home, I'll take 1-2 weeks completely off of climbing, doing only light body work, no pull ups no hand strength, in the hopes that it will take the edge off of my injuries, and I'll dedicate the extra time to stretching, massage and icing, to prepare myself to go a muerte after that. I want to make the most of the winter season. I want to earn a spot at the world cup in vail. I want to feel fit enough to bother making my first trip to hueco. If I can make it to March, I'll happily, okay, maybe grudgingly, take a month off to heal, but for now I need this. Climbing is my life, and I can't drop out quite yet. Cross your fingers for me.
Since climbing won't be my main focus for once, I hope to play photog for a bit this week, and I plan on getting some shots up here before too long. Maybe there'll even be some good ones.
You'll get all fixed up babe and then you'll murder again!